Wednesday, May 21, 2008

One Year Anniversary!

We could hardly believe that we had been married one year on May 18! This has been the funnest year for us and we are even more excited for the next year together. We will be moving to Lawrence, Kansas in August for Andy's education and shortly thereafter we are expecting our little girl on September 29! In the meantime, Andy and I are coaching a Little League Baseball team here in Spanish Fork. It keeps us busy at least three times a week with games on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and practice on Saturdays. We've really enjoyed getting out in the sunshine and having fun in the community! Andy has also been busy practicing for his debut at the Tabernacle on Temple Square, where he will be a guest performer on the organ for their noon day recitals. I am so proud of him!! We love you all and hope you'll stay tuned for more posts on our blog!


Stine said...

Welcome to the blogging world! YEAH! I love fellow bloggers and I'll add you to my list right away. Congrats on your first year together and all of the great things you've both accomplished. I know it's still far away, but Kansas is looking nice and close. I'm so excited! Can't wait to meet baby girl Lloyd.


The Lloyd Family said...

Man, Lesley is so hot. The blog is cool and you are the cutest couple ever.

The Jimmy Harry Family said...

Hey you guys!
I'm so excited you got a blog. Now I can keep up with you. I'm SOOOO excited for you to come and visit. Love the blog!

Jeff P said...

"Man, Lesley is so hot..."

LOL, I can't beleive it's been a year as well, I was just telling stine that last december where its been 6 for us. Before you know it you will have a few kids running around and you will wonder where the time has gone.

Hurry up and move to Kansas, that was we can come and visit.

Jade said...

It was so great to see you all - including baby girl! We really appreciate your hospitality. FYI - we must be the reason for the flat. We were with our friends in Ferron and got a flat tire with them, too! LOL! I hope to see you more often when you head back towards us! Love ya!


Brianne said...

Hey you two! I found your blog off of Lindis and thought I would say Hi. Looks like you guys are doing great. I'm so excited for you to be having a baby...and it sounds like it's a girl. Congrats! We need to get together with you guys sometime before you leave for Kansas so let me know what works for you! Hope to see you soon.

Emily Budge said...

Hey guys! How are ya? I miss seeing you 2 now that we live up here in logan. But, I heard you took off to Canada & that you're having a little girl?????? I need to stay in better touch. I would love to hear about how everything is going with you guys. Send me a quick email so I can send you an invite to our blog. Can't wait to hear from you.
Emily (Grow) Budge